Westman Wildcats
Saturday July 27 2024 
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Player Information
Number: 08
Name: Sydney Sass
Position: Forward
Shot: Right

Birthdate: 2008-01-24
Weight: 105 lbs
Height: 5'  2"
Grade: 10
Email: sydneysass9@gmail.com
Mother's Name: Sherry
Father's Name: Jeff
Mother Cell Phone: 204-720-0693
Father Cell Phone: 204-570-2919

Academic Awards
Honour Roll

Athletic Awards
Ashley Neufeld Ultimate team Award, U16 POE, 07 AllStar team, U15 Provincial Champs

Golf, Track & Field, Biking, Drawing

Personal Goals
Be the best I can be all the time, always give 110%, Never Give Up.

Graduation Year: 2026
Favorite Food: Tacos and Tutti Fruity
Favorite Movie: Elf
Favorite Athlete: Patrice Bergeron

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