Westman Wildcats
Tuesday October 22 2024 
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since May 9, 2006

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Player Information
Number: 14
Name: Karlyn Gudz
Position: Forward
Shot: Left

Birthdate: 2006-02-16
Weight: 140 lbs
Height: 5'  5"
Grade: 12
Email: kjgoodie@icloud.com
Mother's Name: Kerri Lynn
Father's Name: Todd
Mother Cell Phone: 204-720-3575
Father Cell Phone: 204-726-3286

Academic Awards
Honour Roll Grade 9,10,11

Athletic Awards
2022 MFHL Champs, Provincial Champs, student athlete honour roll, top 25 POE

volleyball, skiing, watersports

Personal Goals
Play at the highest level of hockey.

Graduation Year: 2024
Favorite Food: Cheeseburgers
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Athlete: Natalie Spooner

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