Westman Wildcats
Friday July 26 2024 
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since May 9, 2006

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Player Information
Number: 19
Name: Marlie Rutherford
Position: Forward
Shot: Right

Birthdate: 2006-12-27
Weight: 135 lbs
Height: 5'  5"
Grade: 12
Email: 24mrutherford@prspirit.org
Mother's Name: Kristie
Father's Name: Ryan
Mother Cell Phone: 431-225-2534
Father Cell Phone: 204-523-2510

Academic Awards
Honour Roll, Student Council Leadership Award

Athletic Awards
Western Canadian Softball Gold Medalist, 2022 MFHL U18 AAA Champions, Cross Country MVP 2023

Basketball, Fishing, Hunting, Volleyball

Personal Goals
Improve and reach my full potential as a hockey player

Graduation Year: 2024
Favorite Food: Burgers
Favorite Movie: Step Brothers
Favorite Athlete: Charlie Shearer

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