Westman Wildcats
Tuesday October 22 2024 
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Player Information
Number: #1
Name: Grace Glover
Position: Goalie
Shot: Left

Birthdate: 2005-09-08
Weight: 125 lbs
Height: 5'  5"
Grade: 12
Email: graceg@tmsd.mb.ca
Mother's Name: Nanette
Father's Name: Dale
Mother Home Phone: 204-534-7878
Mother Cell Phone: 204-305-0245

Academic Awards
Honor Roll with greatest Distinction consecutively

Athletic Awards
MFHL Champs 2022, Provincial Champions X 4, Bronco of the Year Grade 8, MFHL Playoff MVP 2022, Team Canada U18 Summer Camp Invite, Team Manitoba U18 2021/22 & 22/23

Cross country skiing, track and field, showing cattle, sewing

Personal Goals
Attend University while playing hockey, Get invited back to Hockey Canada Camp

Graduation Year: 2023
Favorite Food: Perogies and Sausage
Favorite Movie: The Peanut Butter Falcon
Favorite Athlete: Ashton Bell & Kelsey Huibers

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