Westman Wildcats
Tuesday October 22 2024 
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Player Information
Number: 05
Name: Hayley Kolosky
Position: Forward
Shot: Left

Birthdate: 2005-01-11
Weight: 124 lbs
Height: 5'  2"
Grade: 12
Email: hayleykolosky@yahoo.com
Mother's Name: Kristyn
Father's Name: Mike
Mother Cell Phone: 204-573-0868
Father Cell Phone: 204-573-1845

Academic Awards
Gr. 9 Certificate of academic achievement, Gr 10 and 11. Bronze Medallion in Academics. Honor Roll Gr. 9-11

Athletic Awards
2021 & 2022 POE U18 Top 40, 2022 MFHL Champions, RMFHL Bantam Div Champs 18/19

Volleyball, Water Sports, weightlifting

Personal Goals
To play University Hockey

Graduation Year: 2023
Favorite Food: Chicken Penne
Favorite Movie: Grey's Anatomy
Favorite Athlete: Brad Marchand

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