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Nov 21, 2010, 1:22 am


  The Westman Wildcats travelled to Ste. Anne on Saturday to play the Eastman Selects and came out on the short end of a 4-1 score. In a game that had very little flow to it due to numerous penalties, both teams saw their special teams play a ton.

  Eastman scored the only goal in the first period on a powerplay. The Wildcats replied with the only goal scored in the second period on a short handed goal scored by Kiara Dekezel unassisted.

  The Wildcats were forced to work on their 5on3 penalty kill a couple of different times in the third period which proved to be their undoing as the Selects scored 3 unanswered goals in the third period to ice the victory. Allison Rothwell was between the pipes for Westman.

  The Cats now practice twice this week in preparation for the Thoroughbred Tournament this upcoming weekend in Minneapolis where the Wildcats will play Alaska, ThunderBay and Notre Dame in round robin play.

Nov 17, 2010, 12:58 am


  Tuesday evening saw the Westman Wildcats host the Yellowhead Chiefs inMFMHL league play. The teams traded goals in the first period with Yellowhead getting the first goal only to have the Wildcats tie it up before the end of the period on a goal by Amanda Coey, assists going to Dekezel and Whaley.

  Both teams were held scoreless in the second period with the Wildcats getting the go ahead goal at the 13 minute mark in the third period by Kiara Dekezel assist going to Gina Williams. Yellowhead stormed back to tie it up a minute later and then with 5 minutes remaining in third Karissa Kirkup put Westman up for good with assists going to Magwood and Whaley. The Cats put the final nail in the coffin with an empty net goal by Amanda Coey with an assist going to Jessica Vallotton.

  Rachelle Lougheed was in net for the Westman Wildcats and faced 17 shots while the Cats directed 40 shots at the Yellowhead goaltender.

  The Wildcats head off to Ste. Anne on Saturday evening to take on their eastern rival the Eastman Selects, game time is 5:30.

Nov 14, 2010, 12:15 pm


   Saturday, November 13 saw the Wildcats host the Central Plains Capitals in MFMHL action. The first period was scoreless as both teams felt each other out with the Wildcats coming to life in the second period scoring 4 unanswered goals. Both teams traded goals in the third period for a final score of Westman 5 Central Plains 1. Goal scorers for Westman were Karissa Kirkup with the hat trick, Melissa Hunt and Amanda Coey with singles.

   Rachelle Lougheed was in net for the Cats and shots on net were 37-11 in favor of the Westman Wildcats. Next action for the Wildcats will be on Tuesday November 16 @ 8:00 at the Hartney Arena when they host the Yellowhead Chiefs.

Nov 8, 2010, 2:07 pm


The Westman Wildcats travelled to Thief River Falls, Minnesota this past weekend to participate in the Minnesota Crunch Showcase Tournament with 8 teams coming from Minnesota, Ontario and Manitoba. Friday night saw the Wildcats playing against the host Crunch and after 2 periods of play found themselves down 3 – 0. Karissa Kirkup found the back of the net early in the third only to have the Crunch reply with 3 more of their own for a 6 – 1 victory. Shots were 39 – 30 in favor of Minnesota with Allison Rothwell in between the pipes for Westman.

Saturday morning’s game saw the Cats up against the Hawks from Pembina Valley and this was a close game with all the scoring done in the first two periods. Pembina Valley scored the lone goal in the first period and then added their second goal early in the second period. Westman stormed back to tie the game up with 2 goals of their own and then the Hawks scored 2 more to win the game by a 4 – 2 score. Wildcat goals were scored by Teagan Pringle and Kiara De Kezel and shots on net were 34 – 16 in favor of Pembina Valley with Allison Rothwll in net for the Cats.

The Saturday evening game saw Westman’s last round robin game against the Eastman Selects and again this was a close game between these provinicial rivals. The Wildcats opened up the scoring early in the first period only to be followed by 3 goals by the Selects. Westman was able to score late in the second period to bring them to within one and had numerous chances in the third but couldn’t find the twine. Westman pulled their goalie for an extra attacker and Eastman were able to score an empty net goal for a 4 – 2 final. Both of the Wildcat goals came off the hot stick of Elise Badiou. Shots were 27 – 25 in favor of Westman with Rachelle Lougheed in the Wildcat net.

Sunday morning had Westman’s final game against the Central Plains Capitals and again Westman had plenty of scoring opportunities registering 39 shots while Allison Rothwell faced 20 in the Wildcat net. The score was 1 – 1 after 60 minutes, and Westman finally solved the Capitals goaltender in overtime for the 2 -1 victory. Goal scorers for Westman were Elise Badiou and the overtime winner from Amanda Coey.

Oct 28, 2010, 9:51 am

Final roster announced for Under 18 Team Manitoba
by Judy Wells (Reprinted with permission from Deloraine Times & Star)

Hockey Manitoba recently announced the Under 18 Female Team Manitoba roster for the 2011 Canada Winter Games in Halifax. Included on the roster are two athletes from Deloraine, namely Jennifer More and Kiara De Kezel. Also from the Westman area are Skye Kelly, Brandon; Halli Krzyzaniak, Neepawa and Ashleigh Brykaliuk, Brandon.

The selection process is done through the Hockey Manitoba Program of Excellence (POE) and actually started back in February 2010 with regional selections. Three more steps including the POE Spring tournament, POE summer camp and most recently a final exhibition tournament in Regina.

Team Manitoba welcomes back nine returning players form 2009 and ten new members. The team won't meet again to play until December for a tournament at the University of Manitoba. "We hope to practice a couple times and will play a couple of exhibition games versus university teams," said head coach Tony Franklin. Two years ago, Franklin was the assistant coach of the Under 18 team who competed in Napanee for the national championships and came home with the bronze. He applied to coach this year's Under 18 Canada Games team. Following an interview process, Franklin was offered the position. It's important to note here that the players underwent the evaluation process (mentioned earlier) which involved 10 people from across the province (not the coaching staff). It was that panel that selected the top 24. From there the coaches trimmed the roster to 20 and each athlete is definitely there on their own merit including the Deloraine girls.

As a coach, Franklin thinks it's great to have More and De Kezel on the roster as he knows their background and what they can bring to the team. "More importantly, though, this is a feather in the cap of the coaches that worked with these girls during their development years.” "And it's a great example for our local female youth players of what can be accomplished with hard work and dedication!" he added. Both girls offer valuable contributions to the team. "Kiara has size, strength and solid skating skills. She is very good in the defensive zone but also has an offensive upside and an excellent shot," said Franklin. Having been to a national championship with the Westman Wildcats (and won), she will be able to draw on that experience. "Kiara puts the team ahead of herself and leads by example. . she quietly  goes about her work. She's best described as someone who's 'tough' to play against, so we're very happy she'll be wearing a Manitoba sweater," said Franklin. Jennifer More was with the Under 18  tam last year and attended the national championships in Surrey, BC. "The experience she gained from that experience will be invaluable for Halifax. Jenny brings outstanding skill and hockey sense to our team. She will be looked upon to create chances at the offensive end as well as attacking with speed through the neutral zone.

"Both Jenny and Kiara are fierce competitors and above all else - they are quality people. . .and I firmly believe that you win with good people!" added Franklin. The goal of the team is to finish in the top three. Franklin says many things must go their way for this to happen. It's a short term competition and many things can go wrong when playing six or seven games in seven days. "But, with our team speed and personnel, we feel that we can challenge for a medal," concluded Franklin.

Oct 24, 2010, 10:07 pm


The Westman Wildcats began the Eastman Selects Showcase Tournament on Friday night with a game against the Regina Rebels.  This was a very well played game with the Wildcats pulling out a 3 - 1 victory.  Goal scorers were Karissa Kirkup and Amanda Coey with two, the last one being an open net.   Allison Rothwell faced 25 shots in net for Westman.

Saturday morning had the Wildcats up against the Balmoral Hall Blazers and the Cats came up on the short end of a 4 - 1 score.  Jessica Vallotton was the lone goal scorer for Westman with shots being in favor of Balmoral Hall 23 - 19.  Allison Rothwell was in net for the Wildcats.

Four hours later the Westman Wildcats played their final round robin game against the Minnesota Crunch and lost a 6 - 3 decision.  Goal scorers for the Cats were Amanda Coey with two and Kiara DeKezel rounding out the scoring.  Rachelle Lougheed and Allison Rothwell shared the goaltending duties facing 32 shots between them.

The 5th place versus 6th place game had Westman playing Eastman in the last game of the day and Eastman won this contest with a 3 - 1 final.  Cats goal scorer was Karissa Haney and Allison Rothwell faced 23 shots in net.

Oct 17, 2010, 11:12 am


  Saturday, October 16 the Hartney Arena was a very busy place as 56 young ladies between the ages of 5 and 12 years old took part in the annual Jamboree run by the Westman Wildcats. The Wildcat coaching staff and players put the girls through a skating session, a puck skills session, dryland, a meal with the Wildcats and then the girls were entertained with a game at the end of the day between the Eastman Selects and the Westman Wildcats. A great day for everyone involved.

  Friday night saw the Wildcats travel to Winkler to play the Pembina Valley Hawks and the Cats came out on the losing end of a 9-4 score. Wildcat goal scorers were Gina Williams, with her first goal as a Wildcat, Amanda Coey, Kiara DeKezel and Bailee Goodon. Rachelle Lougheed was in net for the Cats and the shots were 33-31 in favor of P.V.

  Saturday nights game was played in front of a rink full of future Wildcats and they witnessed a very close game between the Eastman Selects and the Westman Wildcats. The score was 2-0 for Eastman and Rachelle Lougheed was again between the pipes with the shots on net 25-24 favoring Eastman.

  The Wildcats practice this week in preparation for a showcase tournament hosted by the Eastman Selects this upcoming weekend with 8 teams coming together from Minnesota, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Westman Wildcats Hockey Jamboree
Oct 13, 2010, 9:57 am

Group # 1

1:00pm                 Registration

2:00 - 3:00pm        On Ice - skating drills

3:15 - 4:00pm         Dryland

4:15pm                  Meal

4:45 - 5:45            On Ice - stickhandling/Small Games

6:15 - 7:00pm        Games in Gym

7:00pm                 Watch Wildcats Off Ice Warm Up in Curling Rink - Coaches Talk

7:30pm                 Game warm up

8:00pm                 Westman Wildcats vs Eastman Selects

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