Player Information |
| Number: 09 Name: Charlie Shearer Position: Forward Shot: Left
Birthdate: 2008-05-06 Weight: 115 lbs Height: 5' 9" Height: 175cm Grade: 11 Email: Mother's Name: Christy Shearer Father's Name: Mark Shearer Mother Cell Phone: 204-761-4784 Father Cell Phone: 204-724-3015
Academic Awards Honour Roll grade 7-10, Academic Proficiency grade 7 & 8,
Athletic Awards U15 Wildcat Award, 2023 Panther Award for softball & badminton, 2024 MVP in JV volleyball, badminton & basketball and Panther Award in softball, 2023 Players Choice Award in AAA U15 softball, U16 POE & A/AA Varsity Basketball Provincial Allstar
Interests Softball, vollyeball, basketball, track, cross country, water sports, golf & hunting
Personal Goals To excel at this level of hockey and play at the highest level possible
Graduation Year: 2026 Favorite Food: Chicken alfredo Favorite Movie: Step Brothers Favorite Athlete: Marlie Rutherford
Show/Hide LegendGP - Games Played G - Goals A - Assists PTS - Points +/- - Plus / Minus GM - Game Misconducts M - Misconducts PIM - Penalties in Minutes PlayersGP | G | A | PTS | +/- | GM | M | PIM |
8 | 1 | 0 | 1 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
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