Player Information |
| Number: 16 Name: Callie Hilhorst Position: Defence Shot: Right
Birthdate: 2007-06-08 Weight: 150 lbs Height: 5' 8" Height: 173cm Grade: 12 Email: Mother's Name: Erica Hilhorst Father's Name: Cory Hilhorst Mother Cell Phone: 204-523-0883 Father Cell Phone: 204-523-6077
Academic Awards Honour roll consecutively, top achievement award consecutively, highest academic average consecutively
Athletic Awards All-star infielder at Softball Nationals, 2022 MFHL Champions, varsity badminton zone MVP and champion, POE top 68 2023, POE top 40 2024
Interests Golf, biking, working out, hiking, badminton
Personal Goals Play hockey at the highest level and attend university while playing
Graduation Year: 2025 Favorite Food: Steak & asparagus Favorite Movie: Twisters Favorite Athlete: Jaycee Magwood
Show/Hide LegendGP - Games Played G - Goals A - Assists PTS - Points +/- - Plus / Minus GM - Game Misconducts M - Misconducts PIM - Penalties in Minutes PlayersGP | G | A | PTS | +/- | GM | M | PIM |
12 | 2 | 5 | 7 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
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